2021年10月17日,在北京银泰中心in01的“遇见博物馆·in Space”内,“遇见夏加尔 爱与色彩”真迹展正式开幕。与此同时,遇见博物馆首个线下展馆也正式落地北京银泰中心in01,“遇见夏加尔 爱与色彩”真迹展也成为开馆后首场艺术展。
作为本次展览的主办方,北京银泰中心地处CBD核心地段,是大家所熟知的北京最高端的城市综合体之一。此次遇见博物馆•in Space的落成,也是积极响应朝阳区政府及CBD管委会号召,用国际化视角推动区域内公共艺术与公共空间的融合发展,打造北京对外开放、国际文化交流的时尚前沿。此次展览也获得CBD管委会的支持,成为第三届CBD艺术季中的重磅展览。
开幕致辞中,中华世纪坛艺术馆执行馆长冀鹏程说:“夏加尔为人类造梦也为自己造梦,他用色彩为世界人民打造出人文主义天堂”;北京银泰置业有限公司总经理李杰提到:“北京银泰中心即将迎来13周年庆,这位与毕加索、马蒂斯比肩的艺术家用他斑斓的色彩为北京银泰中心的13岁生日增添了一道绚丽的风景”;主办方中创文旅集团CEO秋童女士讲到:“‘遇见夏加尔 爱与色彩’是遇见博物馆严肃策展,极致运营的作品,希望为观众带来一场关于爱、生命与艺术的治愈之旅,也希望大家可以在我们的场馆中放松下来,用爱感受夏加尔绚丽的艺术世界”。
In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.
——马克·夏加尔 Marc Chagall
Lovers on Yellow Background, Oil and gouache on lined paper
59.7x49.3cm, 1960
Marc Chagall, Detail,Lovers on Yellow Background, 1960, Oil and gouache on lined paper ⓒ Marc Chagall / ADAGP, Paris - SACK, Seoul, 2021
遇见博物馆策展团队与多洛雷斯·杜兰·乌卡(Mme Dolores Duràn Ucar) 联合策展,马克·夏加尔委员会作为作品授权认证机构。荟聚一流艺术力量,遇见博物馆即将为观众带来一场关于爱、生命与艺术的治愈之旅。
毕加索眼中世界上最懂色彩的艺术家 用颜色点亮世界
The Purple Rooster, Oil, gouache and ink on canvas
89.3x78.3cm, 1966-1972
Marc Chagall, Detail,The Purple Rooster, 1966-72, Oil,gouache and ink on canvas ⓒ Marc Chagall / ADAGP, Paris - SACK, Seoul, 2021
Lovers on Yellow Background, Oil and gouache on lined paper
59.7x49.3cm, 1960
Marc Chagall, Detail,Lovers on Yellow Background, 1960, Oil and gouache on lined paper ⓒ Marc Chagall / ADAGP, Paris - SACK, Seoul, 2021
此次展览是迄今为止中国最大规模的夏加尔作品巡展,本次展览将围绕爱与色彩的主题,以六个板块为线索,涵盖“爱与乡愁”、“神奇世界与马戏团”、“ 信仰的力量:圣经系列”、“经典蚀刻版画:拉·封丹寓言“、“诱惑巴黎“、“生命的终点是一束花”等题材。
展览将展出囊括油画、水彩画、水粉画、坦培拉、蚀刻版画等艺术形式、创作时间横跨60年、涵盖了夏加尔艺术成熟期到晚年创作的155件作品。这些创作于1925年至1981年的作品将展现他驾驭不同媒材的非凡技艺,包括《恋人和蓝驴》(Lovers with the Blue Donkey)、《新娘新郎与天使》(The Bride and Groom and the Angel)、《紫罗兰公鸡》(The Purple Rooster)、《恋人与花束》(Lovers with a Bouquet of Flowers)、《画家和杂技演员》(Painter and Acrobat)等经典油画作品,以及极少完整展出、被艺术史家誉为经典的全套《拉·封丹寓言》(La Fontaine's Fables)系列版画与《圣经》(The Bible)系列版画。
The Monsters of Notre-Dame, Lithography
28x38cm, 1954
Marc Chagall, Detail,The Monsters of Notre-Dame, 1954, Lithography ⓒ Marc Chagall / ADAGP, Paris - SACK, Seoul, 2021
The Opera, Lithography
28x38cm, 1954
Marc Chagall, Detail,The Opera, 1954, Lithography ⓒ Marc Chagall / ADAGP, Paris - SACK, Seoul, 2021
在持续开发优秀展览IP资源的同时,遇见博物馆首家线下展馆正式落地北京银泰中心 in01空间,此场馆将全年为观众带来优质文化艺术项目,并将举办音乐品鉴、文化讲堂和艺术教育等多元化文化活动,将文化艺术的魅力多维度传递给观众。
Meet You Museum’s Significant Event
Meet Marc Chagall, The Exhibition of 155 Authentic Works
On October 17th, 2021, the exhibition “Meet Chagall, Love and Color”officially opened in the Meet You Museum·In Space of in01 Beijing Yintai Center . This exhibition is organized by Beijing Zhongchuang Tourism & Culture (ZCTC) Culture Industry Group and Beijing Yintai Property Co.,Ltd.,and hosted by Meet You Museum. All artworks are cerficated by the Marc Chagall Commeettii. The exhibition partners are Tencent Charity Foundation and Yintai Foundation.
It is reported that this exhibition will rely on Chagall’s artistic works and achievements to carry out various cultural activities, including aesthetic education, concerts, expert lectures, etc., aiming to convey the infinite charm of art to the public through Chagall’s classic works and enhance public art appreciation force.
The modernist master Chagall brought his 155 classic works full of love and hope. The artist who is comparable to Picasso and Matisse, will illuminate the whole world with his colorful colors and continue the golden autumn time with love in Beijing.
Chagall: A Modernist Master of Love, Life, and Art
In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.
- Marc Chagall
Pablo Picasso said that love is stimulating, passionate, and fluid.
Vincent van Gogh said that love is rough, painful, and unobtainable.
Marc Chagall said that love is innocent, unique, and able to erase time and heal all suffering.
Beyond the century and crossing the whole spring and summer, Chagall finally came to Beijing. He will use the palette of life to add the most beautiful color to Beijing's autumn.
Curation team from Meet You Museum and Maria Dolores (Mme Miria. Dolores) as the curators, the Mark Chagall Committee as the authorization and certification body for works. Gathering first-class artistic forces, Meet You Museum Museum is about to bring the audience a healing journey of love, life and art.
Chagall Brightens the World with Color
Marc Chagall was born in 1887 to a poor Jewish family in what is now Belarus. He experienced both world wars, and spent his life drifting around the world, from his hometown of Vitebsk to Saint Petersburg, New York, and Paris. When creating art, he relied on his inner poetic force, rather than the logic or rules of painting; he perfectly blended images from his own experience with formal symbols and aesthetic elements. In his paintings, love is presented with vibrant colors and child-like figures, and lovers float down the river of love like balloons floating up into the sky at a party.
Clement Greenberg, one of the twentieth century’s greatest art critics, wrote that Chagall painted “… many beautiful paintings in royal blue, red, green, pink, and white—the still lifes that a sweeter Matisse could have painted and the bridal couples hovering in luscious bouquets…”Pablo Picasso, a good friend of Chagall, once said, “When Matisse dies, Chagall will be the only painter left who understands what color is.”
Half a Century of Classic Works by the Last Modernist Master
This show is the largest traveling exhibition of Chagall’s work in China to date. This first exhibition of Chagall’s work in Beijing on the themes of love and hope across six sections: “Love and Nolstalgia” , “Fantastic World and Circus” , “Classic Etchings: La Fontaine’s Fables” , “Faith and Vitality: The Bible Series” , “Paris Seduction” , and “Life Ends with a Bouquet of Flowers” . The show will feature 155 works from Chagall’s mature period to his later years, spanning six decades and multiple mediums, including oil, watercolor, gouache, tempera, and etching. These works from 1925 to 1981 demonstrate his extraordinary skill in different mediums; the exhibition will showcase oil paintings such as Lovers with the Blue Donkey, The Bride and Groom and the Angel, The Purple Rooster, Lovers with a Bouquet of Flowers, and Painter and Acrobat, and the art historically acclaimed sets of prints, rarely exhibited in full, for La Fontaine's Fables and the Bible.
Follow Chagall’s Search for Love with Those You Treasure This Autumn
[About Meet You Museum]
Meet You Museum is the new cultural and artistic communication platform and subsidiary of Beijing Zhongchuang Tourism & Culture (ZCTC) Group. Committed to cooperating with world famous cultural institutions and museums to create a mobile museum focusing on exhibitions of world-class authenthic masterpieces, linking head medias and influential platforms, we are striving to be the most excellent exhibiton distributor of the world to inherit cultures and create wonders of the world.