克里斯蒂娜·夸尔斯,《我曾经的影子》,2017,布面丙烯,121.9 x 152.4 cm,图片致谢艺术家,Pilar Corrias和Hauser & Wirth ,摄影:Ilona SzwarcChristina Quarles, A Shaddow of Whut I Once Was, 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 121.9 x 152.4 cm, Courtesy the artist, Pilar Corrias, and Hauser & Wirth, Photo: Ilona Szwarc张子飘,《角斗场02》,2020,布面油画,230 x 190 cm,图片致谢艺术家和空白空间ZHANG Zipiao, Battle Field 02, 2020, Oil on canvas, 230 x 190 cm, Courtesy the artist and WHITE SPACE
海蒂·布赫,《拼花蜻蜓的孵化》,1983,纺织服装、乳胶、珍珠母贝颜料,130 x 105 cm,图片致谢艺术家和 Lehmann Maupin,纽约,香港,首尔和伦敦Heidi Bucher, The hatching of the parquet dragonfly (Der Schlüpfakt der Parkettlibelle), 1983, Textile garment, latex, and mother of pearl pigment, 130 x 105 cm, Courtesy the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, and London范加,《功能始于形式》,2018,水性树脂、颜料、木材、玻璃纤维、玻璃、雌性激素、种子、血液,127 x 193 x 41 cm,图片致谢艺术家和 Empty Gallery,摄影:Lance BrewerJes Fan, Function Begets Form, 2018, Aqua resin, pigment, wood, fiberglass, glass, estrogen, samen, blood, 127 x 193 x 41 cm, Courtesy the artist and Empty Gallery, Photo: Lance Brewer
法拉·阿尔·卡西米,《肥皂》,2022,收藏级喷墨打印裱于艺术家特质框 ,44.5 x 29 cm(含框),致谢艺术家和 François Ghebaly
Farah Al Qasimi, Bar of Soap, 2022, Archival inkjet print in aluminum artist's frame, 44.5 x 29 cm (framed), Courtesy the artist and François Ghebaly尼古拉斯·帕蒂,《日落》,2018,布面色粉,180 x 150 cm,致谢艺术家,The Modern Institute/ Toby Webster Ltd. ,格拉斯哥和 Kaufmann Repetto,米兰,摄影:Adam ReichNicolas Party, Sunset, 2018, Pastel on canvas, 180 x 150 cm, Courtesy the Artist, The Modern Institute/ Toby Webster Ltd., Glasgow and Kaufmann Repetto, Milan, Photo: Adam Reich